Thursday, 20 April 2017

Tools for Planning

Tools for planning:
        Systems Approach
        Sensitivity Analysis

        Ability to generate number of ideas rapidly.
        Ability to change quickly from one frame of reference to another.
        Originality in interpreting an event and generating different views on the situation.
        Ability to handle with clarity and ease a complex relationship of various factors in a given situation.
Systems approach:
        It uses all the areas and branches of knowledge.
        It follows a scientific analysis to identify the problem.
        It uses a model of complex situation to handle the problem.
        It weighs cost against benefit for assessment of alternatives.
        It deals with problems where time context is futuristic.
        It considers the environment and its impact on the problem situation.
        Every solution is tested on the grounds of rationality and feasibility and accepts a given criterion for selection of most preferred alternatives.
        It uses operation research models if the problem is well defined.
Sensitivity analysis:
        It helps to test validity of the solution in variable condition.
        The problem situation is handled with certain assumptions and conditions.
        If various factors are involved, the sensitivity analysis helps to assess the criticality of the factor against the impact it make on that solution.
        The sensitivity analysis helps to test the validity of the optimal solution under changed conditions.
         The sensitivity analysis helps to test the solution on the principal of utility.
        A model is meaningful representation of a real situation on a mini scale, where only the significant factors of the situations are highlighted.
        There are several types of models
        Physical: house, park, or a sport complex.
        Mathematical: break even analysis, linear programming, queuing, network.
        A complex situation is represented using variables, constants and parameters which play significant role in that situation.

        A model could be static of dynamic.

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