Sunday, 6 August 2017

Information System Introduction


A system is a set of components that works together to achieve a common goal.
A system accepts input, processes it, and produces an output.
Related image

Two types of system
  1. Closed system
  2. Open System

Information System:

It is a set of inter-related components that
  1. Collects Data
  2. Manipulate Data
  3. Disseminate data and information
  4. Provide feedback to meet an objective
Image result for system input process output

Characteristics of Information System:

Environment is anything outside the system
Boundary separates the system from environment
Input is the data from environment to the system. The system uses the input
Output is the information from the system to the environment
Components are the subparts of the system
Interface is a mechanism for interaction between different components of the system
Interrelationships are the associations between components of a system